Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Diuretic Foods: List of Natural Diuretic Foods for Weight Loss

Diuretic Foods: List of Natural Diuretic Foods for Weight Loss

A diuretic is any medicine that elevates the rate of urination and offers a way of forced diuresis (the increased formation of urine by the kidney). Diuretics foods enhance the emission of liquids through the body. Including Diuretic Foods in your diet has many reasons, one of them is Weight Loss.

Diuretic exists in the form of natural diuretics and synthetic diuretics. A Natural diuretic can be obtained from natural foods and herbs. Thus it is free from any kind of side effects. It has undisputed benefits than the other medications or water pills since they do not result in considerable loss of vital minerals. Synthetic diuretics are such drugs obtainable over-the-counter with the recommendation of a medical expert. Synthetic diuretics have a lot of side-effects so precautions have to be taken before consuming it.
Diuretic Foods: List of Natural Diuretic Foods for Weight Loss

Carrots: These are a wealthy source of carotene which velocity the metabolic rate of the body and remove fat dumps and dissipate.

Tomatoes: These have high water content and rich in Vitamin C that helps the metabolism and discharge of water from the kidney to swill down waste.

Lettuce: It is another salad food which contains water. It also holds iron and magnesium. It helps to wash out fatty cells.

Cucumber: It is better source of sulphur and silicon. These minerals work to kindle the kidneys to wash out uric and unnecessary acid. It helps to stimulate the removal of fat, and loosens the fat from the cells.

Apple cider vinegar: It contains high levels of potassium that has quality to reduce fat deposits. It is prepared from apples and the malic acid used for fat burning process.

Asparagus: It includes asparagines chemical. This chemical removes waste from the body by breaking up the oxalic acid. It also affects the cells and break down fat.

Beets: These are burly diuretic that focuses on the liver and kidneys. They have special iron cleanses corpuscles, which include fatty deposits.

Cabbage: This is source of sulphur and iodine. It helps to purify the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. In addition, it assists breakage of fatty deposits particularly around the abdominal region.

Brussels sprouts: It stimulates the glands, the pancreas. It quickly releases waste and to clean out the cells. This vegetable also holds some minerals that stimulate the kidneys.

Horseradish: It has a wonderful effect of dissolving fat in cells with no side effects.

Celery: Celery has a high concentration of Calcium in a ready to use form. Therefore when you eat it calcium directly work and this pure form of calcium will break up the accumulated fat build up. This is food with high water content.

Melon: Watermelon and muskmelon contains high levels of water, potassium and sodium that aid remove toxins and stimulates urine production.
Benefits of Diuretics Foods:

    * Retention of water may occur because of the lack of B-vitamins, amino-acids and proteins in the diet or due to the unnecessary utilization of sugar and salt content. The condition caused due to water retention in the body tissues is known as Edema. To avoid this condition there is need to take Natural Diuretic Foods that assist flush out the needless water from the body through urination.
    * Diuretic foods are cost-effective in comparison to other costly diuretic medications with their unlikable side effects.
    * Some diuretic foods increased metabolism. Besides it helps you shed redundant pounds as well.
    * Diuretic foods can purge body of toxins and free radicals e.g. apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is the best natural diuretic obtained by crushed apples and excites digestion and kidney function.
    * To regulate digestion due to the high yarn and enzyme content, Natural diuretic foods are used.
    * Diuretic foods supply the elements that are crucial for the health of our heart, kidneys and liver in our bodies. For the well-being of a person Electrolytic balance is vital elements. Synthetic diuretics can deplete our bodies of essential elements such as potassium and sodium.
    * Diuretic foods are very useful to treat high blood pressure condition, swelling, kidney stones and indigestion exclusive of the side effects.
    * When you start to take more diuretic foods naturally you devour less of the high-sodium and high-sugar processed foods. Because high fiber foods got from the diuretic foods list give bulk in your stomach helping control unhealthy cravings.

Side Effects of Diuretics:

    * Dehydration
    * Weight gain
    * Fluid retention (Fluid Retention)
    * Dizzy spells
    * Hypokalemia
    * Fainting

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